All languages vary, and all languages develop and change over time! But none do, like American English has and does! Why? Because no other country on the planet Earth has the wide array of races, cultures, religions like we do! And along with this wide variation of people, comes a very wide variation of English! This is one of the characteristics which makes our country a great one, that our freedoms and our responsibilities have beckoned to folks from all over the world to come here, to bring their cultures with them, and to become a part of the American Dream.
But for all of these non-English speaking folks, as well as for our own indiginous English speaking people, it is imperative that we all become BIDIALECTICAL. As Haussamen puts it, we modern Americans need the ability to speak in at least two language variations: informal English and formal (or Standard) English. Simply put kids, there's the English you speak around your friends, family or on the sports field, then there's the English you should be speaking to your boss, clients or professors! Please do NOT get this idea wrong! No one is (or should be at least) saying that one variation, or one dialect for that matter, is better or more correct than another. We English teachers especially have to instill this notion into our English learners, immigrant or American. Students will learn grammar and English much more efficiently and with a lot more enthusiasm, if they are not berated or led to feel "less", because they speak a dialect of English that deviates from the Standard! Students should be encouraged to feel a sense of pride in their individuality and uniqueness when it comes to their languages, dialects and cultures. It is OK and quite normal for ALL English speakers to engage in "Code Switching". In fact, it happens instinctively! When we address an elder or stranger, our language will vary as opposed to how we address our buddies 5 minutes later!
The important idea here is that the only way we CAN code switch is by learning the different language variations to begin with! And yes folks, this DOES entail learning grammar and how to use it when speaking and writing in Standard English! Let's face it, if you wanted to succeed in Mexico, you better learn how to speak, write and use Spanish! Same goes for Russia, Ethiopia or, of course, Rome! You wouldn't want to go to a job interview in Portugal without knowing how to speak Portugeuse, so why would it be any different here? Especially here in the U.S., with all the vastly different people, dialects, cultures, religions and races, we all need to know Standard English and grammar as a connecting point, a unifying factor that allows us all to meet on the same page and be able to understand one another! Without understanding, we fall back to the Tower of Babel!
Being Bidialectical is an essential part of being understood and being able to understand others! Teaching grammar in the classroom is an essential part of this essential understanding, and learning Standard English is, simply put, a "standard" way for many diverse people to be able to communicate and express themselves amongst one another! It does not entail having to give anything up, or believing that your way is not the right way! The beauty is, we can and should all learn how to utilize Standard English grammar for when we NEED to communicate in this manner! But then we can also at any time code switch back to our more folksy, informal variation of English too! It is the best of both worlds, and is a form of knowledge that can and will truly open many doors for us in the future!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Blasingame/ Burke-Planning for Writing Unit
Taking another glance at these two texts was very helpful and informative in prepping for the upcoming writing of our final unit. Also, looking at the State Standards and keeping familiar with them has also helped me with ideas for my Teaching Writing Unit and lesson plans.
Indeed, I intend to use ideas from these sources to develop my plan, and especially tying them to the corresponding Standards and their accompanying benchmarks!
I have many specific modes of writing and structures that I am thinking of including in my unit. I have also been very impressed this semester with the writing mini lessons and workshops that Professor Thompson has implemented for our benefit. Specifically, I am excited to include in this unit the Seed-Sentence Workshop, the Fable Form Workshop and the Multi-Genre Writing Workshop, as well as one or two others!
I would also like to include traditional lessons in Biography Writing and News/Report Writing, as well as Journal Writing and an all-important lesson on writing Research Papers! I will be interested in any comments/ suggestions from all of you out there (esp. from LAED 445)!
Indeed, I intend to use ideas from these sources to develop my plan, and especially tying them to the corresponding Standards and their accompanying benchmarks!
I have many specific modes of writing and structures that I am thinking of including in my unit. I have also been very impressed this semester with the writing mini lessons and workshops that Professor Thompson has implemented for our benefit. Specifically, I am excited to include in this unit the Seed-Sentence Workshop, the Fable Form Workshop and the Multi-Genre Writing Workshop, as well as one or two others!
I would also like to include traditional lessons in Biography Writing and News/Report Writing, as well as Journal Writing and an all-important lesson on writing Research Papers! I will be interested in any comments/ suggestions from all of you out there (esp. from LAED 445)!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Comments/ Quotes-Ch.s 6& 7-Teaching Writing in Middle and Secondary Schools (B & B)
There were so many cool quotes in these 2 ch.s that it was hard to isolate only 3! But I would definately say I was especially intrigued and inspired with all the great information B & B gave us regarding student portfolios!
In my opinion, one of the best ways to become a better writer is PRACTICE, but I think of equal importance in this goal is to not only read, but also to assess and critique the writing of OTHERS ie our students! I think at least reading others writing in general, such as novels, poems, news stories etc, is a primary step in becoming a better writer! In this sense, it's only natural that a teacher can become a better writer just by reading and becoming a part of their student's writing!
As I said, become a PART of the students writing, not the over-seer or the almighty! B&B tell us on page 105 that "When we give ownership over the direction of [student's] learning, they will work to their greatest capacity and in a creative fashion." Creative is the key word here. I think part of tapping that creativeness we all seem to have inherently, we as writing teachers need to utilize OUR creativity. This semester, I have really fallen in love with the idea and knowledge of teaching writing in multiple genres. I think this strategy fosters creativity and the means to unlock this creativity in our students! Portfolios are a great way of teaching and utilizing creativity and on multiple levels. Because each piece is a new genre or mode, the student will likely have more opportunities to find a mode of writing that they can wrap their mind around. Portfolios not only allow our students to "have ownership over the direction of their learning" , but it also allows teachers to assess students over multiple levels and genres. In teaching w/ portfolios, it helps to instill a sense of self esteem, indepedence and self-discipline in our students as writers and as people.
Another benfit of teaching with portfolios is that they "foster responsibility, self evaluation and accountability within students". These are characteristics that "we all need and use on a daily basis in the 'real world'" (P. 100). By allowing our students to have more freedom and to take more accountability in their writing, they will benefit beyond imagination. Portfolios also provide a great self- assessment tool for students to view their work as it progresses into a multi genre work.
Why,? Because "portfolios place just as much importance on process than on product" (p. 106). For example, it is very important during the PROCESS of teaching multi genre writng, that the teacher give copious instruction on not only the process of compiling a portfolio but also to teach the process of the WRITING ITSELF! ie brainstorming, free-writing, pre-writing, drafting, revising, drafting some more, revising etc. Once the students know this process, it will allow them to actually create the seperate pieces that will comprise their final product, thus placing importance on both process and product.
Yes, I do believe that teaching writing to secondary students utilizing portfolios and processes will produce on our end, better writers, better thinkers and better students! I also like the fact that in utilizng portfolios, the teacher can see this as a tool and an opportunity for both formative and summative assessments. It allows the teacher to keep an eye on the student's progress(or not), while continuing to keep the student in the driver seat. And when the student is done with their final product, they will also be able to keep and have it. To have something to generate ideas for future work (more revising and drafting!), as well as something to show others. This is a way that we writing teachers can help our students personalize their writing, and to cherish it as a tool that can accomplish everything from filling out applications and resumes, to writing poetry for their significant other, to writing all those papers that are coming up in college! It's a gift of simply being able to express oneself using the written word!
What can I say? It's a win-win!
In my opinion, one of the best ways to become a better writer is PRACTICE, but I think of equal importance in this goal is to not only read, but also to assess and critique the writing of OTHERS ie our students! I think at least reading others writing in general, such as novels, poems, news stories etc, is a primary step in becoming a better writer! In this sense, it's only natural that a teacher can become a better writer just by reading and becoming a part of their student's writing!
As I said, become a PART of the students writing, not the over-seer or the almighty! B&B tell us on page 105 that "When we give ownership over the direction of [student's] learning, they will work to their greatest capacity and in a creative fashion." Creative is the key word here. I think part of tapping that creativeness we all seem to have inherently, we as writing teachers need to utilize OUR creativity. This semester, I have really fallen in love with the idea and knowledge of teaching writing in multiple genres. I think this strategy fosters creativity and the means to unlock this creativity in our students! Portfolios are a great way of teaching and utilizing creativity and on multiple levels. Because each piece is a new genre or mode, the student will likely have more opportunities to find a mode of writing that they can wrap their mind around. Portfolios not only allow our students to "have ownership over the direction of their learning" , but it also allows teachers to assess students over multiple levels and genres. In teaching w/ portfolios, it helps to instill a sense of self esteem, indepedence and self-discipline in our students as writers and as people.
Another benfit of teaching with portfolios is that they "foster responsibility, self evaluation and accountability within students". These are characteristics that "we all need and use on a daily basis in the 'real world'" (P. 100). By allowing our students to have more freedom and to take more accountability in their writing, they will benefit beyond imagination. Portfolios also provide a great self- assessment tool for students to view their work as it progresses into a multi genre work.
Why,? Because "portfolios place just as much importance on process than on product" (p. 106). For example, it is very important during the PROCESS of teaching multi genre writng, that the teacher give copious instruction on not only the process of compiling a portfolio but also to teach the process of the WRITING ITSELF! ie brainstorming, free-writing, pre-writing, drafting, revising, drafting some more, revising etc. Once the students know this process, it will allow them to actually create the seperate pieces that will comprise their final product, thus placing importance on both process and product.
Yes, I do believe that teaching writing to secondary students utilizing portfolios and processes will produce on our end, better writers, better thinkers and better students! I also like the fact that in utilizng portfolios, the teacher can see this as a tool and an opportunity for both formative and summative assessments. It allows the teacher to keep an eye on the student's progress(or not), while continuing to keep the student in the driver seat. And when the student is done with their final product, they will also be able to keep and have it. To have something to generate ideas for future work (more revising and drafting!), as well as something to show others. This is a way that we writing teachers can help our students personalize their writing, and to cherish it as a tool that can accomplish everything from filling out applications and resumes, to writing poetry for their significant other, to writing all those papers that are coming up in college! It's a gift of simply being able to express oneself using the written word!
What can I say? It's a win-win!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Beach-Regarding News, Documentaries, Genres in the Classroom
Yes, I firmly believe there are many teaching possibilities using news, doc.s in the english or any other classroom! I have seen it used and have used it myself and found it to be very effective, if done correctly.
When I completed my first Practicum at Arlington high school, one of the strategies for using news was modeled to me by my co-operating teacher. The St Paul Pioneer Press was providing us w/ free daily newspapers for the staff and students! "Joe" would direct his students to get a newspaper and locate one of the articles he had listed on the board (a good way to informally assess how well they can read and locate info in a written format)! He'd usually include a current sports article, a current event, a news story (all the diff. genres) so that most of the students could write and read about something interesting to them. Then he'd have them read the article they found, and answer a couple simple questions re: info from that article. A great way to utilize news in the english classroom.
Another way is to straight up teach journalism in the classroom, as in most schools having a school newspaper! By using news instead of say, some really old Lit., the students will have more of a personal connection to the material.
Documentaries are a favorite thing of mine! I think they can definately be useful in the classroom, and have long been used in this manner. What a better way to have students actually understand a concept, than to actually watch history unfold in front of their eyes! Instead of reading a MLK speech to your students, show them a doc. of the Real MLK actually giving the speech! No one can deliver like MLK anyway, so it is so much more profound to hear him do it!
Also, by using doc.s one can also become more proficient at using the many new technologies that are out there now. There are inumerable sites that have doc.s and clips available (ie YouTube, TeacherTube, History, etc) for the use of teachers. In fact, Hist Ch has a regular program called "Hist. in the Classroom" which are all docs that are available free to teachers.
Yes, I do see many teaching possibilities in using news, doc.s etc in the classroom, and the above are only some of them!
When I completed my first Practicum at Arlington high school, one of the strategies for using news was modeled to me by my co-operating teacher. The St Paul Pioneer Press was providing us w/ free daily newspapers for the staff and students! "Joe" would direct his students to get a newspaper and locate one of the articles he had listed on the board (a good way to informally assess how well they can read and locate info in a written format)! He'd usually include a current sports article, a current event, a news story (all the diff. genres) so that most of the students could write and read about something interesting to them. Then he'd have them read the article they found, and answer a couple simple questions re: info from that article. A great way to utilize news in the english classroom.
Another way is to straight up teach journalism in the classroom, as in most schools having a school newspaper! By using news instead of say, some really old Lit., the students will have more of a personal connection to the material.
Documentaries are a favorite thing of mine! I think they can definately be useful in the classroom, and have long been used in this manner. What a better way to have students actually understand a concept, than to actually watch history unfold in front of their eyes! Instead of reading a MLK speech to your students, show them a doc. of the Real MLK actually giving the speech! No one can deliver like MLK anyway, so it is so much more profound to hear him do it!
Also, by using doc.s one can also become more proficient at using the many new technologies that are out there now. There are inumerable sites that have doc.s and clips available (ie YouTube, TeacherTube, History, etc) for the use of teachers. In fact, Hist Ch has a regular program called "Hist. in the Classroom" which are all docs that are available free to teachers.
Yes, I do see many teaching possibilities in using news, doc.s etc in the classroom, and the above are only some of them!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Cool New Tools Just Added to my BlogSpot!
As you look to the right hand column, you will see I've also just added a really cool, calm and destressing photo slideshow!
And I added a new picture of myself with my Welcome!
This was done by simple going into the "Customize" menu and clicking on the tools you want to add!
I also just selected a new Template, new colors and a new look! Enjoy!
And I added a new picture of myself with my Welcome!
This was done by simple going into the "Customize" menu and clicking on the tools you want to add!
I also just selected a new Template, new colors and a new look! Enjoy!
Thing 29 (Catching up on Morethings!)
Thing 29-This was probably the most fun I had on any of the "Things" we've done as a class! It also seems to have the most useful info. of all the Things!
On Thing 29, it enables one to learn about and use Google Tools that are awesome for notonly educatiobal purposes, but also to improve productivity and searching abilities, as well as many others that incl. gmail, g news, wiki, etc. I went to Google news through this Thing and monitored the national news streams.
What was really cool was this Thing also enabled me to upload Free Essential Software directly from Google! I uploaded many incl. Picasa, Firefox, Earth, spyware and it updated my Real Player!
The educational uses are obvious along with keeping your computer safe w/ updated software from a reputable source!
I like it...
On Thing 29, it enables one to learn about and use Google Tools that are awesome for notonly educatiobal purposes, but also to improve productivity and searching abilities, as well as many others that incl. gmail, g news, wiki, etc. I went to Google news through this Thing and monitored the national news streams.
What was really cool was this Thing also enabled me to upload Free Essential Software directly from Google! I uploaded many incl. Picasa, Firefox, Earth, spyware and it updated my Real Player!
The educational uses are obvious along with keeping your computer safe w/ updated software from a reputable source!
I like it...
Thing 34 (More catching up on Morethings!)
Thing 34 is about Online Answer Sites, and the fears and benefits that surround them!
These sites are praised by some, and condemned by others because, on one hand they allow the common man to have more voice than anytime before in history! People can go to these websites and expound their knowledge regarding questions posed by other folks! For example, one could go on and ask advise on how to treat a bee-sting, and many other folks can suggest the remedies they know of!
This can be however, a les-than-reliable means of obtaining important information as the people who write on these sites are not necessarily experts! One could easily given bad advice and pay the price for it!
I guess these sites are like anything else, take it with a grain of salt and, if it's very important, seek expert/ professional opinion over some "Joe-bag-o-donuts" you found on the Internet!
These sites are praised by some, and condemned by others because, on one hand they allow the common man to have more voice than anytime before in history! People can go to these websites and expound their knowledge regarding questions posed by other folks! For example, one could go on and ask advise on how to treat a bee-sting, and many other folks can suggest the remedies they know of!
This can be however, a les-than-reliable means of obtaining important information as the people who write on these sites are not necessarily experts! One could easily given bad advice and pay the price for it!
I guess these sites are like anything else, take it with a grain of salt and, if it's very important, seek expert/ professional opinion over some "Joe-bag-o-donuts" you found on the Internet!
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